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Many people dream of making loads of cash through a passive income strategy. While some have managed to achieve this goal, it’s not exactly a realistic expectation. Most sources of passive income only deliver relatively small returns. Because there’s very little effort or funding required to maintain a passive income business, the ROI is technically fairly high, but it’s rare for someone to make a full income off these types of businesses.

It’s important to be realistic when planning out your passive income strategy. More specifically, you need to avoid making the following mistakes:

Quitting Your Day Job


Don’t look at passive income as your ticket out of the rat race. Again, some people have managed to set up businesses that yield high returns. This is uncommon, though.

You can certainly make a substantial amount of money if you’re dedicated. But you shouldn’t quit your job to focus exclusively on this type of work. If you fail, you’ll end up in dire financial straits.

Assuming You Won’t Have to Work at All

When people hear the phrase “passive income,” they like to imagine making money without putting in any effort.

Eventually, that may happen, but you can’t set up a passive income business without doing a little bit of work first.

For instance, perhaps you’ve decided to publish an e-book. If you publish quality material and find the right audience, you can earn a lot of money without lifting a finger once you start making consistent sales.

To reach that point, however, you need to conduct research and write the book first, or hire a freelancer to ghostwrite it for you. It’s also necessary to hire a designer for the cover, and to create a website and social media presence to promote the book.

All of this involves some degree of work. You’re more likely to be successful if you accept that from the start. People get discouraged when they make the mistake of assuming they can start earning big rewards without putting in some work upfront.

Not Planning


There have been cases in which a person manages to earn passive income accidentally. They create a blog or e-book for fun, only to find out there are a lot of people interested in their work.

The problem is, this doesn’t happen often. It’s much more likely that you’ll have to do some basic planning before you can start working on setting up the business.

To get started, first you must decide what kind of passive income strategy you’re going to pursue. Publishing an e-book? Creating an online course? Licensing a product?

Then you need to decide what steps you’ll have to take to execute your plan. It’s also a good idea to set goals. You want to make sure your effort will be worth it.

Don’t jump right into the process of setting up a passive income business without taking the time to write up a decent business plan first.

Quitting Halfway Through

Most passive income businesses require some amount of marketing or promotional work before they start generating any returns. You can’t just publish an e-book and assume readers will find it, for example. Depending on what strategy you choose, you will need to promote your business to a degree.

This is the step that often discourages people the most. Once they’ve created the product or service, they want to sit back and collect their earnings.

It’s not that simple. Don’t get disappointed if you don’t make a lot of sales right off the bat. To some extent, you’re really only halfway through the process. Now that you’ve created a business or a product, you need to make sure people know it exists.

You can do this via social media, blogging, or in some cases, by offering interviews with relevant media outlets. However you choose to market your business, this step is crucial, and it’s one you shouldn’t neglect.

Assuming Sales Will Last Forever

Many passive income businesses only generate temporary sales. People who earn money publishing e-books often find that sales taper out after a certain amount of time.

That’s another reason why you shouldn’t depend on the money you make from your passive income stream. It should only be considered supplemental income. Sales may dry up eventually. You can create a new business to continue earning passive income, you can devote more time to marketing your existing one again, or you can accept that you won’t make money off this business forever.

Making passive income is both possible and easy, but making these kinds of mistakes is also possible and easy if you’re not careful. Be aware of them when you start planning, and you’ll be more likely to avoid them.