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Making passive income doesn’t need to be difficult; there are many ways to make easy money on the side, thanks to technology. The Internet and digital tech, in general, have given rise to services that allow people to make extra money without putting in much effort.

Services like these give you the freedom to reach customers while doing something you enjoy—or in some cases, doing nothing at all. If you’re looking for a way to make extra money, consider using one of the following to help you reach your goals.



airbnbThe concept of Airbnb is simple: rent out your property to vacationers (or any other kind of traveler) by simply listing it online.

This can be an ideal way to make extra money. Maybe you already have a property you don’t use or you regularly take prolonged trips away from home. Listing it on Airbnb for use while you’re away can help you reduce costs, both for property maintenance and travel-related expenses.

Of course, you don’t have to leave the property at all. You can rent out a room or unit in your home to guests while you remain on the property during their visit. While some people feel uncomfortable with this arrangement, if it doesn’t bother you, it’s certainly an easy way to make extra cash conveniently.



Upwork is an Internet service connecting freelancers with potential clients. Everyone from writers to graphic designers can find paying gigs on Upwork, and while this income strategy obviously involves some degree of work, most freelancers find that doing what they love doesn’t feel like work at all. For example, if you enjoy doing graphic design on the side, finding gigs on Upwork can help you monetize your hobby. The same can be said for virtually any kind of freelancing featured on Upwork.


Kindle Direct Publishing

Self-publishing an e-book is one of the more popular ways to earn a passive income in the age of the Internet. Many people have taken their creativity or expertise and, rather than going the traditional publishing route, have published e-books on their own and posted them for sale online.

You can do this through your own website, but creating a website takes a bit of effort and expertise. That’s why you might prefer Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing program. This service allows authors to upload their e-books to Amazon’s Kindle store, where they receive royalties for every copy sold. For those who don’t have graphic design experience or can’t hire a designer, the program offers an intuitive cover design feature that allows them to self-publish a professional-looking book.



udemyMuch like self-published e-Books, online courses are growing increasingly popular among those looking to earn money on the side.

Udemy is one of several services available to people who design and sell online courses. This popular site can host your course if you want to reach a larger number of customers without having to market your course yourself.



YouTube, the popular video hosting site, can also provide you with a source of passive income. Many people have made substantial amounts of money by creating YouTube channels and growing a following, which, in turn, has attracted advertisers who want to reach these followers.

In addition to making money, YouTube gives users the opportunity to build a following while posting content that genuinely interests them. Although some people create channels that operate like online courses (i.e., sharing valuable information with viewers), many others simply focus on entertaining their followers.

Maybe you have an interest in the performing arts and want to turn your passion into profit. YouTube can help you do that.